The Very First Kidnapping
When God made man and woman, he placed them in a
splendid garden with many fruits for food, but there was one tree, (the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil) in the mist of the garden that he specifically told them not to
eat from, and if they ate from that tree, they would surely die.
But God's adversary, Satan was in the garden to tempt the couple, to see if he could entice them to disobey their creator. So he told the very first lie ever told to mankind, that their creator had surely lied to them, and if they would eat from that tree, they would not surely die, but they would become as wise as God, knowing both good and evil. The fruit of this tree was more appetizing to the eye than the other fruit, and it was very tempting, and over some time the woman finally yielded to that temptation and ate the God-forbidden fruit. Then, she gave some of the fruit to her man and he was duped into eating. At that very moment, mankind became willingly and mentally kidnapped by Satan, by opening their minds to anything that Satan would broadcast through various resources in the future. This "Act One" set the stage for the civilization that followed.
After this act, the final process of instilling the Holy Spirit was conditionally postponed until humanity is about to self-destruct. However, this Spirit is available to diligent seekers of truth, as they learn and do the will of God. So the Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden halfcocked; having to struggle, trying to govern themselves under Satan's influence, not realizing then, (and especially us now) how much influence Satan and his entourage has on our thinking. So now, let's see how this civilization is handling the situation, since we took the prerogative of deciding right from wrong.
As you could imagine, the couple promptly, performed the first sanctioned sexual act, (giving them the benefit to the doubt) absent of the influence of Satan. However, at some time during this civilization, Satan turned that precious act into something vulgar. Anyway, the first couple produces two sons. The first was Cain and the second Able. As they matured, Cain became jealous of Able and committed the first murder. Eventually, Adam and Eve had another son, Seth. After Seth was born, that first couple produced both sons and daughters. Evidently all of the colors, tribes, and nations came out of Eve's womb, and the whole world was populated by that first couple, "So, why can’t we all just get along?” Here's the key.
Every human interactions is influenced at times by human nature, (which is acquired through Satan's influence) and at other times by God-like nature, depending upon which spirit is working in us at the time. (The human spirit or a God-like spirit). The creator designed us with a brain and a human spirit to operate the brain. This makes us different from other animals. However, since we rejected God's Government, the majority of us are missing the Holly Spirit. Even so, at times, by using our brains, we can function in a God-like spirit. Remember, when Adam and Eve sinned, the Holy Spirit was conditionally postponed for a very generous period for man to experiment doing his own thing, except for the predestined and called. (Many are called but few will be chosen) Even those called do not get the full measure of the Holy Spirit at first. A small portion is provided to guide them if they will let it. Then the spirit is increased as the person studies and mature, doing the will of the creators. That said, let's see how this "civilized world" is governing itself. Let’s start with Identity Theft.
But God's adversary, Satan was in the garden to tempt the couple, to see if he could entice them to disobey their creator. So he told the very first lie ever told to mankind, that their creator had surely lied to them, and if they would eat from that tree, they would not surely die, but they would become as wise as God, knowing both good and evil. The fruit of this tree was more appetizing to the eye than the other fruit, and it was very tempting, and over some time the woman finally yielded to that temptation and ate the God-forbidden fruit. Then, she gave some of the fruit to her man and he was duped into eating. At that very moment, mankind became willingly and mentally kidnapped by Satan, by opening their minds to anything that Satan would broadcast through various resources in the future. This "Act One" set the stage for the civilization that followed.
After this act, the final process of instilling the Holy Spirit was conditionally postponed until humanity is about to self-destruct. However, this Spirit is available to diligent seekers of truth, as they learn and do the will of God. So the Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden halfcocked; having to struggle, trying to govern themselves under Satan's influence, not realizing then, (and especially us now) how much influence Satan and his entourage has on our thinking. So now, let's see how this civilization is handling the situation, since we took the prerogative of deciding right from wrong.
As you could imagine, the couple promptly, performed the first sanctioned sexual act, (giving them the benefit to the doubt) absent of the influence of Satan. However, at some time during this civilization, Satan turned that precious act into something vulgar. Anyway, the first couple produces two sons. The first was Cain and the second Able. As they matured, Cain became jealous of Able and committed the first murder. Eventually, Adam and Eve had another son, Seth. After Seth was born, that first couple produced both sons and daughters. Evidently all of the colors, tribes, and nations came out of Eve's womb, and the whole world was populated by that first couple, "So, why can’t we all just get along?” Here's the key.
Every human interactions is influenced at times by human nature, (which is acquired through Satan's influence) and at other times by God-like nature, depending upon which spirit is working in us at the time. (The human spirit or a God-like spirit). The creator designed us with a brain and a human spirit to operate the brain. This makes us different from other animals. However, since we rejected God's Government, the majority of us are missing the Holly Spirit. Even so, at times, by using our brains, we can function in a God-like spirit. Remember, when Adam and Eve sinned, the Holy Spirit was conditionally postponed for a very generous period for man to experiment doing his own thing, except for the predestined and called. (Many are called but few will be chosen) Even those called do not get the full measure of the Holy Spirit at first. A small portion is provided to guide them if they will let it. Then the spirit is increased as the person studies and mature, doing the will of the creators. That said, let's see how this "civilized world" is governing itself. Let’s start with Identity Theft.